multiprocess welder

Cyclone 212

5 year
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SKU: CLN-212
$1,199.00 You Save - $200.00
Weight: 52 lb
Dimensions: 25 in × 9.5 in × 15 in
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Cyclone 212
Cyclone 212
Cyclone 212
Cyclone 212

The ruggedly built Cyclone 212 performs like a bigger welder than it really is thanks to the powerful, yet space-saving design that is provided by the modern digital IGBT inverter construction.  As both a MIG welder and a Stick welder, the Cyclone 212 takes advantage of every inch of it's new space-saving design by providing up to 230A of MIG output while offering the capability to weld with either 8" (10-12 lb) or 4" (2 lb) spools of wire.  And when you need it for those special stick projects, it offers a solid 160A output at 35% duty cycle which can handle most  5/32" 70XX welding rods. 

The small package and the sleek new styling does conceal the capability of this welder quite well.  The space minded case dimensions and generously-sized carrying front/rear and middle choices for handles, it becomes apparent that this unit is designed for portability. The output ratings for both MIG and Stick combined with the dual 120/240V operating capability makes it a perfect go-to chore-hound for jobs in the shop and out on the job site.  

Even though the Cyclone 212 is putting the industry into a ''whirl wind" with power, size and performance, we haven't stopped there with its design. In fact, we wanted to make this a truly ground breaking MIG design that is positioned at the top of the industry for performance and features, without adding a huge price tag.  We've done this by simplifying internals with a fully digital design inside and out. The space savings of a digitally controlled welder is significant by reducing the sum total amount of circuitry required.  While it is often mistakingkly thought that "digital" technology complicates things and makes repairs more difficult.  To the contrary, it actually simplifies things by reducing the number of discreet components, and allows the use of a "modular" platform where service components are largely plug and play in design.  Less components, and solid state parts means that there is less to go wrong, it is easier to diagnose and it will typically provide a longer service life.  If you are worried about service life, our 5 year warranty is the best in the industry. We could not have provided this warranty for nearly a decade and a half if the units weren't built to survive.

The new digitally controlled display panel of the Cyclone 212 is intuitively designed with both polarity reminders and a new PowerSet Function making setup simpler than ever. Whenever you plug the unit in, it begins to analyze the input voltage and automatically set and adjust the machine's output capabilities, and displays a input voltage reminder to you should you forget what power level you are operating on. Additionally, when you select a function, the machine also gives you an animated depiction and reminder of which polarity you should be operating on. This is important when switching between welding operations such as MIG to Flux-Cored welding, or vice versa where polarity does change and are critical to the correct performance of the welder. The PowerSet function also allows the new and professional user to operate with authority, without having to look up or second guess setting choices. The design of the unit takes the user's input of wire thickness, metal type and plate thickness to offer the user an excellent starting point for parameters.  Of course, no one setting will work for everyone, in every position, but the adjustability built into the PowerSet mode allows the user to dial-in the settings up or down to suit the demands of job.  Of course, the unit performs well in the hands of the trained user in the standard mode as well, where everything can be adjusted normally.

The Cyclone also features settings like spot weld time, inductance, and burn back that allow the user to customize the unit to fit his/her own needs while in manual mode.  In synergic mode, these settings are preset for the user so that they don't have to worry about the details if they don't want to.  Of course, don't forget, the PowerSet mode works similarly for Stick as well and helps the user to match the best electrode up to the best power range for the smoothest running welds.

With 230A max output, the Cyclone 212 is aimed squarely at the 200A class MIG market by providing a solid 35% duty cycle at 200A.  When the Amp output, duty cycle and overall size are examined, you'll find that this unit is right up there with the leaders and in most cases well ahead of many popular models.  But what really pulls it clearly ahead of the leaders is the intuitive digital display and the ease of setup. The large color display is easy to see and stands out in brighter light conditions.  With clear and intuitive function control, and the exclusive PowerSet function, setup takes mere seconds after switching the unit on.

If you wish to wire weld aluminum (between 1/8" and 1/4" thick), the unit can be used with our optional SM200N-MTS spool gun.  However, for those with a tight budget, or don't need to be able to weld a long distance from the welder, the Cyclone 212 can be used with our polymer liner and U groove drive rolls using the standard MIG gun. That's right, for those on a budget, or who need to feed larger rolls of wire,  no spool gun needed to weld Aluminum in MIG mode.  Just change the liner and the drive rolls and you have instant welding capability without the added investment of a MIG Spool gun.  Now, of course the optional MIG Spool gun works well with the unit too if you have the need and budget for it.

After you compare the Cyclone 212 features, performance and price to what else is out there in the marketplace, you are not going to find much that meets or beats the standards that this unit sets. This actually means that the Cyclone 212 has raised the bar and created a whole new class of MIG welders. 

If you are still unsure, we'd like to remind you that the Cyclone 212 is also covered by the industry's best warranty: A standard 5 year parts and labor warranty, which is offered by Everlast on all its IGBT inverter based units.

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