multiprocess welder

RedSabre 500CP Heavy-Duty PULSE Laser Cleaner

SKU: EV-LRS-500CP-240
3 year
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Weight: 65 lb
Price: $25,999.00

The Everlast RedSabre line of Laser systems now includes Laser Cleaners.  Laser cleaning is the future of surface prep and renewal for all types of surfaces including metal.  Laser cleaning is a fast, simple and environmentally friendlier solution to the other forms of paint, metal scale and rust removal. The laser quickly and easily incinerates rust, scale and paint, leaving behind little to no hazardous waste residue.

The 500W Pulsed Wave Laser Cleaner can tackle delicate or heavy chores by quickly removing heavy paint, rust, or millscale from thin materials or from thick materials that have heavy caked on deposits. This machine is made for serious industrial use with 200W extra power when compared to our already commercial quality 300W cleaner. While not all shops need this much power, this can definitely help with extra thick or heavy paint, mill scale or rust.

The Pulse wave laser design of the unit can be fine tuned for the precise amount of paint, mill scale and rust removal. The pulse action is more forceful than a standard non-pulse laser cleaner, so less wattage needs to be used. The unit can also select for cleaning width and cleaning pattern shapes, which are useful for improving cleaning efficiency on different textures and shapes. 

This model features a rolling case with built in touch screen control. This unit is ideal for use in auto body and industrial shop operations where a broad spectrum of jobs may be encountered and versatility is important.

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