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Difference between plasma arc cutting and plasma arc welding

When it comes to plasma arc welding people get confused, there are quite a few things that differentiate the plasma arc cutting and welding now let us see the Differences between plasma arc welding and plasma arc cutting.

PAC, Plasma arc cutting is a thermal material riddance process that is chiefly used for cutting bulky sections of electrically conducive materials.

Plasma arc cutting and its insights

Plasma arc cutting is a thermal material elimination process that is principally used for cutting thick sections of electrically conducive materials furthermore it can be defined as a "superheated, electrically ionized gas."

To put it in simple and comprehensive terms, it is an arc cutting process that cuts the metal by melting a localized area with a contracted electric arc which removes the molten material with a high speed jet of hot ionized gas concerning from the contracting orifice.

Tips to select the perfect welding helmet for your welding requirements

Welding as we know it is a process wherein two or more metal pieces are joined together with the help of a molten solution that forms the bond between them upon cooling and solidification. Theoretically speaking, it is as simple as that. Practically speaking, Practice makes a man perfect and in order to understand and imply the intricacies of this art, one needs to apply tremendous amount of focus, knowledge and concentration time in and again. Every professional welder knows about this pretty well.

Metal cutting done best through plasma cutters

Plasma cutting machines are of great use for any industrial applications. They are an effective metal-cutting tool with new technology that will help you meet that laser accuracy. In turn, it's this laser accuracy that makes the plasma cutter a great cutting machine.

Driving force for plasma cutter

Heavy metals and alloys forms the building blocks of each one of the tool in the modern industry. The strength and durability of metals are the reasons behind its extensive usage of for various industrial purposes. When it comes to designing and modification of metal structure, the strength of the material would become the weakness of the same. For such operations, the plasma cutter is implemented.

Safety measures during Mig welding process

The term mig welding stands for Metal Inter Gas welding. This type of metal welding process is widely handled in most of the industries. It is carried out by the application of heat obtained from the electric arc over the metal work piece. Certain safety measures have to be implemented well before we start working with these welding procedures. Firstly, protection of skin from harmful ultraviolet radiations is to be considered.

Is it imperative to be a certified welder?

Welding as such is an art that can be perfected only through practice and experience. There are no short cuts to become a professional welder and every welder started in your shoes. Theoretically speaking welding as such is quite simple wherein two or more metal pieces are joined together with the help of a molten solution that forms the bond between them upon cooling and solidification. It is as simple as that and there are no big secrets or special techniques hidden inside when it comes to understanding welding.

Imperative 7 welding safety tips that ought to be followed

The below mentioned welding safety tips are highly mandatory and should never be neglected while performing any welding activity for that matter. Welding is one among the simplest concepts theoretically speaking and yet it is also one among the most dangerous activities one could ever pursue. There are only 10 major mistakes you could ever make that could turn out to be quite fatal.

An insight into plasma cutting

Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC) is a thermal substance removal process which is mainly used for cutting thick sections of electrically conductive materials. In simple it can be termed as a superheated, electrically ionized gas. PAC uses a high velocity jet of plasma (Temperatures range from 10,000 to 14,000 oC) to cut through the metal by melting it. The system components are Torch, Power Supply and Arc Starting Circ. It is used in pipe industries and industries for shape cutting. The heat affecting zone for the machines will be from 0.75-5 mm.

An insight into gas welding and its associated dangers

We all know what welding is all about. Theoretically speaking, it is an art where two or more metal pieces are joined together with the help of a molten solution that solidifies and forms the bond between the metal pieces. However, though it might seem as simple as it sounds, it is a highly complicated and daunting task that requires immense precision and concentration. Only then sturdy welds could be made which makes the overall end product far more versatile and comprehensive.


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